Force used the technology 117 times from January to August, up from 32 between 2020 and 2023
Home Office assessments come as new Labour government presses ahead with curbs on immigration
ONS figures underline impact of rising prices and higher interest rates on personal finances
Lack of appointments blamed for fall in take-up of key vaccinations
UK’s biggest supermarket says technology may nudge people to buy healthier products and reduce waste
The music industry’s shift from product to performance foreshadows a widespread move towards intangible assets
Often the pet project of a zealous sponsor, they tend to go untested with the public until their unveiling
Policies that actually work trust local communities and focus on getting the fundamentals right
UK royal says completion of chemotherapy treatment is ‘relief’ but stresses full recovery will take time
Sentence is one of the longest in connection with far-right violence over the summer
ONS data underscores uneven social impact of surge in living costs
Joseph Spence to move to ambassadorial role at £55,000-a-year private school after ‘losing [his] temper’ with a colleague
Operation Early Dawn activated following violent unrest across country in recent weeks
The perils of too much socialising with your peers
The historic mission of mainstream politics is to listen to the real communities, not their malign mouthpieces
Authorities have moved swiftly to punish people alleged to have been involved in the worst unrest England has experienced since 2011
Tory leadership hopeful accuses PM of ‘falling short’ in ‘first test’ since taking office
Prosecutions for violent disorder are youngest to date over far-right violence
Labour government inherited Crown Court backlog of 68,000 cases and prison overcrowding crisis
Fear and dismay are widely shared but new research reveals more profound, and differing, sources of unease
Fast-track hearings have led to more than 30 individuals appearing in Crown Court so far as prosecutors bring range of charges
Proposals come as first person jailed for online posts that stoked far-right violence
While lurid predictions of civil war are misplaced, this is not a country at ease with itself
First ‘swift justice’ court cases show those convicted for far-right violence
Violence on British streets has reopened an age-old debate about what drives disorder — and what can be done about it