All the answers here are linked in some way. Once you’ve spotted the connection, any you didn’t know the first time around should become easier.

  1. Between 1990 and 2008, which car company owned Jaguar?

  2. Which British prime minister was born in 1964?

  3. James Graham’s 2021 play The Best of Enemies is about the American 1960s TV debates between William F Buckley — and which novelist and essayist?

  4. In which 1998 film did Jim Carrey play a character with the surname Burbank?

  5. In I’m a Celebrity … Get Me out of Here, what’s the name of the challenges the celebrities take part in to earn dinners for the camp?

  6. Who announced in April that he’d be standing down as the BBC’s chief cricket correspondent after 33 years in the role?

  7. Named after a sitcom character, who was the official Downing Street cat from 1989 to 1997?

  8. Before decimalisation in Britain, lsd was a common abbreviation, meaning what?

  9. Which island — the largest in Scotland — has two distinct halves: a fact reflected in its name?

  10. Where in Manhattan is a large Christmas tree usually ceremonially lit by the mayor on the Wednesday after Thanksgiving?

Click here for the answers

James Walton is co-host of “The Booker Prize Podcast”

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