This article is part of the Financial Times free schools access programme. Details/registration here.

School students are invited to enter the latest joint annual FT and Royal Geographical Society competition.

Entries are open to students of geography aged 16-18 around the world, who have until 4 October (5pm UK time) to write up to 1,000 words or use an ArcGIS StoryMap, drawing on information in their own daily lives to explain which sustainability action points they would prioritise.

Applicants should include no more than ten ideas and justify their choices. They are encouraged to draw on accompanying information from the FT and other sources, such as Carbon counting: how much do your lifestyle choices cost the planet?

The judges are looking for: 

  • A clear essay or ArcGIS StoryMap, supported by evidence and which reaches a clear conclusion 

  • Submissions that do not exceed 1,000 words (excluding references) 

  • Referenced sources of information and data 

  • Submissions which are the entrant’s own work and relevant to the question and guidance 

The winner will be published by the FT and the RGS. Full details and an entry form are available on the RGS website.

Applicants are encouraged to get their schools to sign up for the FT’s free schools access programme, and may draw inspiration from articles in the FT.

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