The FT’s Innovation editor John Thornhill and San Francisco tech correspondent Hannah Murphy have in the past both met and interviewed Pavel Durov, the secretive founder of Telegram who was arrested in France for alleged failure to address criminality on the messaging app. In the first episode of a two-part series, they discuss how Durov went from free speech hero to a wanted man, and what the charges against him mean for the future of Telegram – and Big Tech – and the limits of free speech. Does his arrest flag a turning point in the regulation of social media platforms?

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Pavel Durov, Telegram’s self-mythologising founder

How Telegram chief Pavel Durov miscalculated on moderation

Emmanuel Macron hits back at claims Telegram chief’s arrest is political

The Durov case is not about free speech

Russian lawmakers hit back at arrest of Telegram chief Pavel Durov in France

This episode of Tech Tonic is presented by John Thornhill and Hannah Murphy. The producer is Persis Love. Edwin Lane is senior producer. The executive producer is Manuela Saragosa. Sound engineering by Breen Turner. The FT’s head of audio is Cheryl Brumley.

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